About SASC - SpLD Assessment Standards Committee
What is SASC?
The SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) is a representative organisation for professionally qualified diagnostic assessors of specific learning difficulties (SpLD). SASC members work to agreed standards of practice, established collaboratively by the organisation.
SASC was first established in 2005 when a working group comprising SpLD practitioners and Department for Education representatives met to consider what would constitute acceptable evidence of SpLD for a student to qualify for the Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA). Since 2005 SASC has extended its remit to become an advisory and regulatory body for practitioner assessors of SpLD.
SASC’s work involves key elements which are to:
- propose standards and a code of practice for all those involved in assessments, including the production of reports in an agreed and accessible format.
- maintain a publicly accessible list of qualified assessors.
- identify a selection of tests that can be used by appropriately trained and qualified professionals, alongside guidelines for practice and training.
- support the implementation of updated guidance around the assessment of SpLDs, providing advice about identifying, assessing and referring students with any of the named SpLDs.
- report to members of SASC through the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place in early summer every year along with the Annual Conference.
SASC Partners
SASC works in co-operation with key professional associations for SpLD practitioners including:
- ADSHE (Association of Dyslexia Specialists in Higher Education)
- The BDA (British Dyslexia Association)
- The Dyslexia Guild
- Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity
- Patoss (The Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties)
as well as other specialist organisations concerned with assessment and a wide range of SpLD matters. Members of SASC are committed to principles of good practice across all age ranges and throughout the profession.